Saturday, July 9, 2011

Styles and Fads: Right or Wrong

Energy! Alternative sources of energy! 
Solar Panels! Global Warming!
It's very interesting that President Carter put solar panels on the White House. It is equally interesting that Ronald Reagan had them taken off. Here we are in the year 2011. Some of the programs instituted by Jimmy Carter are back in style. Are we going to have solar panels installed at the White House again? And how much energy would the White House could have saved if those solar panels were not taken down? And what position would our economy be if solar energy would be allowed to foster? The question to you my friend that was over 30 years ago, what are we going to do now?
Wouldn't it be interesting if solar panels will be put back in the White House. How will the country respond?
And since people are talking about cutting budgets how many jobs would it create and how much energy would be saved if solar panels will be placed on the pentagon,which is the largest building in the world?

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